Made any error while filing your Trademark? Make correction or rectification in your trademark. Apply for rectification of trademark with Instant Professionals Prices starts at INR 2499/- only
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Rectification is the legal procedure to correct or rectify an error or an omission that has been made in the details of a trademark recorded in the trademark register, after the trademark registration process. Such Trademark may have been wrongly registered or may have remained on the register even after its expiry. In such cases, the Indian Trademark Act provides for file rectification of the registered trademarks
Any person aggrieved by the trademark can apply for rectification or cancellation of the trademark.
When Can a Trademark be rectified?
While applying for the trademark or post it’s registration, if the applicant of the trademark realizes that there have been minor errors or if some alterations are required then the applicant can file for rectification with the Registrar of trademarks.
Forms to be filed for Trademark rectification:
Why Instant Professionals as your service provider for Trademark Rectification? is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Rectification of a Trademark in India is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with! Apart from a Trademark rectification also helps you with Trademark Registration, Trademark Objection filing, Trademark Renewals, Trademark Assignment, Trademark withdrawal and Trademark opposition services. You may get in touch with our compliance manager on 09643203209 or email for free consultation.
Our Compliance Manager will get in touch with you to obtain your documents along with simple checklist. You need to fill up the checklist & submit along with documents for processing. Our expert team will verify documents & proceed with the Trademark Rectification.
We will then submit the relevant application(s) along with the alterations required and relevant documents. After that we will prepare and fill all the relevant forms with all the details. The next step is to file the form with the Trademark Registrar along with the prescribed fees.
Once we have filed all the documents and forms with concerned trademark registrar, He will verify all the information and documents. Upon satisfying the trademark registrar may approve and modify the trademark in the trademark register as required and the process will be completed.
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